Nick Calderon

WITSEC Agent Nick Calderon is a fictional character in the 1996 movie Eraser, played by Nick Chinlund. Initially an ally of the protagonist, John Kruger (played by Arnold Schwarzenegger), Calderon is soon revealed actually to be a corrupt agent working with his partner Schiff and Deputy Robert Deguerin (played by Michael Papajohn and James Caan, respectively) in a plot to sell arms to the Russian Mafia. Calderon is killed by Kruger at the docks near the end of the film.

While originally intended to be another nameless henchman of the villain, Calderon became a fan and cult favorite due to his low voice, memorable quotes, and status as an underdog character. There have been several fan-made stories made on the character, but they are not considered canon by the filmmakers.

Memorable quotes

Robert Deguerin: Gentlemen, this is John Kruger. John, these are Agents Schiff and Calderon,

WITSEC Agent Schiff: Well, I'm Schiff.

WITSEC Agent Calderon: And I'm Calderon.